Great news! Our e-shops have already started making money!

Great news!
Our e-shops have already started making money!

As we have mentioned several times, our e-shops, as B2C channels with high margins, are the most interesting sales channel for us in the long term. It’s only been about a year since we started focusing on this channel and despite this, we can now boast great success! It is extremely expensive, laborious and takes a lot of time to acquire a database of repeat clients and to set up all the processes in a way that is economically viable. However, in July 2024, we have already managed to achieve a ratio of the cost of manufactured goods, shipping, marketing and everything else to turnover in our B2C e-shops that brings our EBITDA purely from e-shops to around 17%! Although the B2B sector bears the cost of the entire operation in our internal calculations, which will still take some time to cover and the implementation of the projects already underway, in our preferred B2C sector we are already approaching the planned EBITDA of 25-30% after the first year, which we expect to allow us to pay dividends of around 18% of the invested amount per year!